Fun With The Kids At Universal Orlando

by | Jun 24, 2015 | Vacations Rentals

There are several reasons why you may want to go to Universal. An Orlando vacation package found online at such places as Rooms make the venture seem very attractive. Yet, you, as so many other parents realize, there is one reason why so many families go to visit Universal Studios in Orlando – their kids. It is this that has them and you making preparations months in advance for this memorable trip.

What to Bring

It does not matter if you have a Universal Orlando vacation package, or even an Express Plus Pass. You still we need to think ahead before you take the kids for a day at the park. It is important to think about what you will need to bring to make sure the day goes without a hiccup, or at least a major catastrophe.

1. Comfortable shoes:  Don’t let anyone in your family leave without them. You will do a lot of walking at Universal. The area you need to cover is quite immense.  Leave any heels at home and, if you are not comfortable in sandals, try what your mother and podiatrist would call “sensible shoes” such as runners.

2. Sunscreen: Nothing can spoil a vacation faster than sunstroke and sun burn. For the latter, make sure you are covered with the appropriate SFP and the same extends to your children.  Sunglasses. Great for two reasons: you’ll look like a movie star, and you’ll protect your eyes from the bright sun.

3. Head Covering: Fortunately, baseball caps are fashionable for kids. Wide brimmed sunhats are also appropriate for children and adults. Do not just bring them. Wear them. They can prevent heat stroke when you are standing in line – which you may be doing more often than you want to. They are also handy in case it rains.

4. Sunglasses: These are another must. They provide protection for your eyes and, if you shop wisely, they look fashionable.

5. Swimwear: If you plan on splashing around in any of the water parks e.g. Camp Jurassic, you have two choices: a change of clothes or a swimsuit. A swimsuit, particularly if it is worn under your clothing, is the lighter option

6. Backpack: Who ever invented the backpack was a genius. It can hold about anything you require and more including that necessary hairbrush. It is easy to carry (although sometimes awkward) and puts less stress on your back than a shoulder or any other type of bag. However, it is important to know that many rides will not allow you on with bulky items so be sure you have this taken care of or, miracle of miracles, find a locker.

7. Coat/Poncho: While an actual coat may be too much, you might want to have on hand a light jacket, poncho or even a hoodie-sweatshirt. Evenings can be cooler

8. Water: It is not just a matter of cost. Bottled water is expensive in most theme parks. It is the amount you may need to survive the park. You need to keep everybody hydrated and soft drinks simply cannot do it. Universal does allow bottled water inside their park so bring it. You can refill them in specific spots around the park.

9. Snacks: If you have kids, you know they need to munch every now and then. In addition to buying meals at Universal, you can also bring in small snacks such as granola bars to help them keep their energy level up and flowing.

10. Insulated Bag: Do not try to bring in a cooler but a small, soft-sided insulated bag is permissible. It can be perfect for keeping water and baby food cool.

11. Ziploc Bags: Sure, they say your cell and other electronic devices are water proof, but do you really want to test them at Universal? Plastic bags are great for placing electronic devices in as well as a towel, hairbrush and other items you want to keep dry.

12. Wet wipes: This is a no brainer for you if you have young children and/or infants.

13. Cameras:  For quality photos you may want to bring one. There is also your cell phone which you will, naturally have on your person at all times.

Universal Orlando Vacation Package

These are the basics to make your trip more affordable. Even if you have purchased a Universal Orlando vacation package at an amazingly low rate from online companies such as Rooms 101, you still need to think about your budget. Many items in a park can be pricey. By planning carefully, by making sure everyone is prepared for the daylong trek, you not only are ensuring an affordable visit but also a comfortable one for all the members of your family.

The Must List

